Most bonkers bromances – from Kim Jong-un and Dennis Rodman to Putin and Seagal

The ever mysterious country of North Korea turned 70 this week and one can only imagine how King Jong-un celebrated the milestone.

Perhaps the supreme leader partied with his unlikely pal Dennis Rodman?

You might scoff at such a ridiculous suggestion, but believe it or not, the despot and the basketball veteran go way back and have enjoyed karaoke sessions with “hotties and vodka”.

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With this disturbing thought in mind, we decided to look at the world’s most surprising bromances.

Dennis Rodman and Kim Jong-un

Where better to start than the wacky duo we already mentioned…

Former Dallas Mavericks and LA Lakers star Rodman first struck a friendship with the dictator during his playing days when he visited the secretive country.

Bizarrely, he even once offered Donald Trump his assistance when tensions grew between America and North Korea in 2019.

But the bad boy of sports spoke on Mike Tyson’s ‘Hot Boxin’ podcast about his wild experiences with buddy Jong-un.

He said: “I've seen the military, I've seen the missiles, I've seen everything.

"Next thing I know, 22,000 North Koreans all stand up and start clapping.

"It was loud clapping and they're cheering and I'm thinking they were doing it for me. So I wave and someone tells me: 'No, that's for him' and points at Kim Jong Un. I asked 'Who is that guy?' and they told me 'that's our leader', so I asked… 'leader of what?’

"He asked 'you like my country?' and I said 'yeah, it's fine, it's cool, it's okay'.”

As for the shenanigans that followed, he added: “Next thing I know, we are having dinner and we are drunk as s***, he starts singing karaoke and I have no clue what the f*** he's talking about.

"Everyone starts clapping and then he has this 18-piece girl band come out and these girls are hot but they just played one song. Just one f***ing song. It was the theme from Dallas."

Vladimir Putin and Steven Seagal

While many in the western world would have far from complimentary things to say about Vladimir Putin, this hasn’t always been the case for his pal Steven Seagal.

The 90s Hollywood action hero has lavished the President of Russia with kind words – once describing him as a “brother” and as “one of the greatest living world leaders”.

Seagal and Putin share a passion for martial arts and have attended combat events together.

The mates sealed their friendship in November 2016 when Putin personally handed Seagal a Russian passport.

The starstruck actor replied: “Thank you very much.”

He was appointed as a special envoy between the US and Russia two years later and like Rodman, he saw himself as the man to improve communication between two superpowers.

He said: “I've always had a very strong desire to do all I can to help improve Russian-American relations.

“I have worked tirelessly in this direction for many years unofficially and I am now very grateful for the opportunity to do the same thing officially.”

Charles Bronson and Paul Sykes

Notorious lags Charles Bronson and Paul Sykes have spent 70 years behind bars between them.

And although Bronson is regarded as Britain’s most dangerous ever prisoner – Sykes was someone he dared not challenge.

Bronson, who remains behind bars, greatly admired the cult hero boxer who died in 2007 at the age of 60.

He described the Wakefield man as a “legend” and he once wrote: “I first met Sykes in Liverpool in the early 70s and at that time he was probably the fittest con in Britain.

“A notorious hard man from Yorkshire, a fighting man in every sense.

“A lot of people never liked him, even feared him but I respected the man and what he stood for.”

Sykes, who spent time in 18 prisons for numerous assaults, was known for his brutality both inside and outside of the ring and he once worked as a debt collector.

Talking about his thirst for trouble, he once said: “I’m an expert in violence. I’ve been at it my whole life.

“I’ve had 10 and half years for whacking screws and 10 years for whacking coppers. I’ve never taken a liberty in my life.

“I've belted a few people. In every case I was in the right and it were them that were taken the liberties and I did what John Wayne did, what any sane man would do, punch them right in the f*****g earhole.”

Donald Trump and Kanye West

Yet another notorious world leader who cosied up to a renowned artist is Donald Trump – who famously welcomed rapper Kanye West into the White House in 2018.

The Jesus Walks performer caused outrage when he wore a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat and claimed slavery was a “choice”.

He supported the now under-fire former POTUS during his election campaign in 2016 before sticking by his side throughout his four tumultuous years in power.

Gushing Trump branded his surprising friend as someone who “gets it” and is “very cool”.

Ranting from the Oval Office during Trump’s time there, Kanye, while donning his red MAGA cap, said: “We're going to need to get a few breaks to be able to have some places in my hometown of Chicago where we can create some factories.

“I think it would be cool for them to be Trump factories because he's a master of industry, he's a master builder. I think it would be cool to have Yeezy ideation centres.”

Roy Keane and Micah Richards

Micah Richards proved his loyalty to his best mate Roy Keane after the Irishman was allegedly assaulted at the Emirates Stadium earlier this month.

In a video that went viral, Sky Sports pundit Richards was seen holding a man against a door with both hands while Keane shouted over his shoulder.

Afterwards, one social media user wrote: “Micah Richards and Roy Keane make the perfect tag team. A smaller, aggressive technician who will wait, wear you down and then take your knees out. And a big cackling rhino of a man stronger than an ox. They're basically the Hart Foundation.”

The infectious friendship was formed a few years back when the footie enthusiasts started working together on Premier League matches.

You wouldn’t think they had much in common and they even played for rival football clubs, Manchester City and Manchester United.

But the two titanic personalities, one broody and scathing and the other boisterous and fun, have been the perfect blend for entertained viewers.

And speaking to the Athletic about his pal Keane, Richards said: “Roy is everything I didn't expect him to be.

“It's hard to explain without going over the top, but there's this perception that he's an angry, old… but he's the nicest, most considerate guy. And on the other hand, I think I've helped bring out a side of him that a lot of people wouldn't see. And I take great pride in that.”

Usher and Justin Bieber

Despite working in the same industry, you wouldn’t expect Usher and Justin Bieber to be as close as they are.

After all, Usher is 44, some 15 years older than Bieber who is 29.

But unbeknown to many, it was actually Usher who helped the young popstar rise to stardom.

Speaking on The Howard Stern Show, the RnB legend said: “I heard about Justin through the grapevine because people were talking about him and I said to him ‘Why don’t you set up a meeting between me and your manager, I’d love to meet with you and do this in a formal setting.”

The duo have bigged each other up ever since and Usher even supported Bieber on one of his tours in 2021.

Writing on Instagram, the Baby superstar said: “@Usher went crazy last night and supported!!! LOVE YOU BRO.!”

One fan replied: “Mentor & Student movement.”

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